OPEN STYLE: A style/system of martial arts training not regulated by a sanctioning organization.
JAPANESE/OKINAWAN STYLE: A Japanese and/or Okinawan style/system of martial arts training regulated by a sanctioning organization.
KOREAN STYLE: A Korean style/system of martial arts training regulated by a sanctioning organization.
CHINESE STYLE: A Chinese style/system of martial arts training regulated by a sanctioning organization.
CREATIVE STYLE: A style/system of martial arts training created by the performer.
Weapon & Empty-Hand Kata
Weapon Form/Kata: The event where competitors perform (with weapons) a pre-arranged series of blocking and striking techniques simulating a self-defense situation against 2 or more imaginary opponents.
Empty-Hand Form/Kata: The event where competitors perform (without weapons) a pre-arranged series of blocking and striking techniques simulating a self-defense situation against 2 or more imaginary opponents.
Separate Adult Black Belt Divisions
- If there are enough adult black belts in attendance representing each of the of martial arts disciplines (Japanese/Okinawan, Korean, Chinese, Open, and Creative), those representatives will officiate the weapon & empty-hand form/kata competition for those disciplines.
- Each discipline will be divided into 2 separate age groups. The 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners of each age group will receive Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals.
See Adult Black Belt “Kata Grand Champion” and “SUPER Grand Champion Kata” contest & awards below
Dress Code: Martial Arts Uniform
Ring Officials & Staff (Per Ring)
1 Center Referee & 2 Side Judges: For Kyu (Under Black Belts) and Junior Black Belts
1 Center Referee & 4 Side Judges: For Black Belts 18 years old & Up
1 Scorekeeper & 1 Timekeeper: For All Rings
Ring Coordinator(s)
Will be the person(s) who stages the competitors (checks entry forms) and escorts competitors to the rings when their divisions are called.
Scoring Procedures:
- A panel of 3 Judges will be used to officiate Youth & Under Black Belt Weapon & Empty-Hand Form/Kata Competitions. Each of the Judges will use scores beginning with a high of 8.99 to a low of 8.90. The 3 scores will be added together to determine the competitor’s score. If there is a Tie, the competitors who are tied will be required to perform the same or a different Weapon or Empty-Hand Form/Kata and the winner will be confirmed by a show of hands.
- A panel of 5 Judges will be used to officiate Adult Black Belt Weapon & Empty-Hand Form/Kata Competitions. Each judge will use scores beginning with a high of 9.99 to a low of 9.90. The lowest and highest scores will be dropped, and the remaining 3 scores will be added together to determine the competitor’s score. If there is still a Tie, a) the highest scores will be put back in and added. If there is still a Tie, b) lowest scores will be put back in and added. If there is still a Tie, the competitors who are tied will be required to perform the same or a different Weapon or Empty-Hand Form/Kata and the winner will be confirmed by a show of hands.
Under Black Belt & Junior Black Belt Weapon & Empty-Hand Form/Kata Division Winners
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners (in all under black belt & junior black belt divisions) will receive Gold, Silver, & Bronze medals.
- Adult Black Belt Divisions
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Korean Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Chinese Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Open Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Creative Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
- Adult Black Belt Grand Champion Form/Kata contest will be between the 1st place winners of the separate groups within each discipline. The grand champion winners of each discipline will receive a 3½ ft tall four column trophy PLUS $200.
- Adult Black Belt SUPER Grand Champion Form/Kata contest will be between the grand champion winner of the other disciplines. The Super Grand Champion winner will receive a 4½ ft tall four column trophy PLUS $500.
- Adult, Junior, & Youth Black Belt, & Under Black Belt
NOVICE: (White, Yellow, Orange, & 6th Gup/Kyu Green Belts) ADVANCED: (Red, Purple, & Brown)
INTERMEDIATE: (Blue & Green Belts) BLACK BELTS: (Black Belts)
NOTE: Red Belt in some systems are considered NOVICE Ranks
Some of the following divisions may be subdivided in order to avoid forming divisions consisting of
more than 15 competitors per division. Each division must consist of at least 2 competitors in order to run.
Some competitors may be moved to a higher age group and/or rank level.
All Styles/Systems
- 6 y/o & Under Boys & Girls (all ranks)
- 7 – 8 y/o Boys & Girls (Novice)
- 7 – 8 y/o Boys & Girls (Int & Adv)
- 9 – 10 y/o Boys & Girls (Novice)
- 9 – 10 y/o Boys & Girls (Int & Adv)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys & Girls (Nov & Int)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys & Girls (Advanced)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Black Belt)
- 13 – 17 y/o Girls (Nov & Int)
- 13 – 17 y/o Girls (Advanced)
- 13 – 17 y/o Boys (Nov & Int)
- 13 – 17 y/o Boys (Advanced)
- 13 – 17 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 13 – 17 y/o Boys (Black Belt)
- 18 – 35 y/o Women (Nov & Int)
- 18 – 35 y/o Women (Advanced)
- 18 – 35 y/o Men (Nov & Int)
- 18 – 35 y/o Men (Advanced)
- 36 y/o & Up Women (Novice)
- 36 y/o & Up Women (Int & Adv)
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Novice)
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Int & Adv)
- Adult Black Belt Divisions
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Korean Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Chinese Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Open Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Creative Styles
- 18-35 y/o Women
- 18-35 y/o Men
- 36 y/o & Up Women
- 36 y/o & Up Men
Adult Black Belt GRAND Champion (Weapon/Empty-Hand) Form/Kata
The contest will be between the 1st place winners of the separate groups within each discipline.
The grand champion winners of each discipline will receive a 3-1/2 ft tall four column trophy PLUS $200.
Adult Black Belt SUPER GRAND Champion (Weapon/Empty-Hand) Form/Kata
The contest will be between the grand champion winner of the other disciplines.
The Super Grand Champion winner will receive a 4-1/2 ft tall four column trophy PLUS $500.
- Adult, Junior, & Youth Black Belt, & Under Black Belt
All Styles/Systems
- 6 y/o & Under Boys & Girls (all ranks)
- 7 – 8 y/o Boys & Girls (Novice)
- 7 – 8 y/o Boys & Girls (Int & Adv)
- 9 – 10 y/o Boys & Girls (Novice)
- 9 – 10 y/o Boys & Girls (Int & Adv)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Nov & Int)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Advanced)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Nov & Int)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Advanced)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Black Belt)
- 13 – 17 y/o Girls (Nov & Int)
- 13 – 17 y/o Girls (Advanced)
- 13 – 17 y/o Boys (Nov & Int)
- 13 – 17 y/o Boys (Advanced)
- 13 – 17 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 13 – 17 y/o Boys (Black Belt)
- 18 – 35 y/o Women (Nov & Int)
- 18 – 35 y/o Women (Advanced)
- 18 – 35 y/o Men (Nov & Int)
- 18 – 35 y/o Men (Advanced)
- 36 y/o & Up Women (Novice)
- 36 y/o & Up Women (Int & Adv)
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Novice)
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Int & Adv)
Kumite Competition Rules & Regulations
Kumite matches will be the event where competitors will be required to use kicking and punching techniques to score points against their opponents.
Ring Coordinator(s)
Will be the person(s) who stages the competitors (checks entry forms) and escorts competitors to the rings when their divisions are called.
Ring Officials/Staff (Per Ring)
1 Center Referee & 2 Side Judges: Kyu (Under Black Belts) and Junior Black Belts.
1 Center Referee & 2 Side Judges: Black Belts 18 years old & Up.
1 Scorekeeper & 1 Timekeeper: All Rings.
Competitor Dress Code: Martial Arts Uniform (clean and untorn)
Mandatory Safety Equipment Requirements (sparring gear)
a. Mouth Guard b. Hand & Foot Gear (foam rubber) c. Head Gear d. Cup
Sparring Divisions/Groups
See division line up below
Sparring Matches (time limit)
Sparring matches will be 2 minutes in duration.
Points Scoring
1 point will be awarded for Punching and Kicking techniques.
Single Elimination Matches
Every time a competitor wins his/her match, that competitor will advance to the next round and wait for his/her next match. This procedure will continue until there are only 3 or 4 competitors left in that division. The last 3 competitors in the division will compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Legal Scoring Techniques
To score points, the competitors will be required to use Kicking & Punching techniques Only. (See Point Scoring below)
Illegal Techniques
The competitor’s opponent will receive 1 Point every time a competitor uses any of the following techniques.
b. Head Butt
d. Knee Strike
f. Throws
h. Holding
j. Leg Sweeps
Legal Contact Areas
Competitors will be allowed to make Light Control Contact to the following Target Areas with Punching and Kicking techniques Only.
a. Side of opponent’s Head
b. Front of opponent’s body (from the waistline up).
Illegal Contact Areas
b. Opponent’s Groin
d. Opponent’s Back & Spine
Excessive Contact
Excessive Contact will be when a striking technique results in:
- Immediate bleeding or swelling to the opponent’s face (mask area). In this case, the opponent who made the
contact will be disqualified. - If the competitor who was injured is unable to continue competing, he/she will be declared winner of the match, but only if the match was for 1st & 2nd place, otherwise the injured competitor will be required to forfeit the match, and the two competitors in the next bracket will compete next.
- Immediate bleeding or swelling to the opponent’s face (mask area). In this case, the opponent who made the
Match Winners
Competitors 17 years old & Under (Black Belts & Under Black Belts): The winner of the match will be the competitor who scores 5 points first, or the competitor who has the most points at the end of the 2-Minute time limit. In case of a Tie, the match will go to overtime and the competitor who scores first will be the winner.
Adult Black Belts Competitors 18 years old & Up: The winner will be the competitor who, a) scores 8 points first, or b) scores a 5-point spread, or c) has the most points at the end of the 2-minute time limit. In case of a Tie, the match will go to overtime and the winner will be the competitor who scores first.
(See Adult Black Belt Grand Champion Kumite rules below)
Out of Bound Rules
No penalty will be issued to a competitor for going out of bounds the first time. 1 point will be award to the opponent every time a competitor steps out of bounds thereafter. The competitor who has both feet in bounds can score on his/her opponent if the opponent still has 1 foot in the ring, and if the center referee did not call break first.
Infraction Rule
The Opponent will be awarded 1 Point every time a competitor commits one of the following infractions:
Steps out of bounds.
Striking an opponent with an illegal technique.
Striking an opponent to an illegal target area.
Time Outs
The referee will call “Break” or “Time Out”…..
- To verify and award a point to the competitor who scored. A point will be awarded only if a majority of the officials confirm the point – then the center referee will restart the match.
- To give a competitor a moment to fix his/her equipment.
- To allow the competitor to step back into the ring.
- When a competitor scores the number of points required to win the match, or when the 2-minute time limit expires.
Automatic Disqualification
Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind toward the referee, opponents, staff members, guests, spectators, fans, etc. If the competitor is not at ringside and ready to compete when his/her name is called a third time. That competitor’s opponent will be declared the winner of the match.
Kumite competition
All Styles/Systems
Adult, Junior & Youth Black Belt & Under Black Belt
NOVICE (White, Yellow, Orange & 6th Gup/Kyu Green Belts) ADVANCED (Red, Purple, & Brown)
INERMEDIATE (Blue & Green Belts) BLACK BELTS (Black Belts)
NOTE: Red Belts in some systems are considered NOVICE Ranks
Some of the following divisions may be subdivided in order to avoid forming divisions consisting of
more than 15 competitors per division. Each division must consist of at least 2 competitors in order for it to run.
Some competitors may be moved to a higher age group and/or rank level.
All Styles/Systems
- 6 y/o & Under Boys & Girls (all ranks) Small
- 6 y/o & Under Boys & Girls (all ranks) Tall
- 7 – 8 y/o Boys & Girls (Nov)
- 7 – 8 y/o Boys & Girls (Int & Adv)
- 9 -10 y/o Boys & Girls (Nov)
- 9 -10 y/o Boys & Girls (Int & Adv)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Nov)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Int & Adv)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Nov)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Int & Adv)
- 11 – 12 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 11 – 12 y/o Boys (Black Belt)
- 13 – 14 y/o Girls (Nov)
- 13 – 14 y/o Girls (Int & Adv)
- 13 – 14 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 13 – 14 y/o Boys (Nov)
- 13 – 14 y/o Boys (Int & Adv)
- 13 – 14 y/o Boys (Black Belt)
- 15 – 17 y/o Girls (Nov)
- 15 – 17 y/o Girls (Int & Adv)
- 15 – 17 y/o Boys (Nov)
- 15 -17 y/o Boys (Int & Adv)
- 15 – 17 y/o Girls (Black Belt)
- 15 – 17 y/o Boys (Black Belt) LW
- 15 – 17 y/o Boys (Black Belt) HW
- 18 – 25 y/o Women (Nov)
- 18 – 25 y/o Women (Int)
- 18 – 25 y/o Women (Adv)
- 26 y/o & Up Women (Nov)
- 26 y/o & Up Women (Int & Adv)
- 18 – 25 y/o Men (Nov)
- 18 – 25 y/o Men (Int)
- 18 – 25 y/o Men (Adv)
- 26 – 35 y/o Men (Nov)
- 26 – 35 y/o Men (Int & Adv)
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Nov)
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Int & Adv)
Adult Blalck Belts
All Styles/Systems
- 18 – 25 y/o Women (Black Belt)
- 18 – 25 y/o Women (Black Belt)
- 26 y/o & Up Women (Black Belt)
- 18 – 25 y/o Men (Black Belt) LW
- 18 – 25 y/o Men (Black Belt) MW
- 18 – 25 y/o Men (Black Belt) HW
- 26 – 35 y/o Men (Black Belt) LW
- 26 – 35 y/o Men (Black Belt) MW & HW
- 36 y/o & Up Men (Black Belt) LW, MW, HW
Adult Black Belt MEN & Women Kumite GRAND CHAMPION Competition
Black Belt men & women Kumite Grand Champion matches will be between the weight classes
Sparring Matches (time limit)
Matches will be 2 minutes in duration
Points Scoring
1 Point for Punches from the waisteline to the head, and 1 Point for kicks to the body (waist – chest area)
2 Points for Kicks to the Head.
Points Confirmations: Center Referees & Corner Judges will confirm which competitor scored by pointing at the competitor who scored, and by holding up 1 or 2 fingers to indicate the number of points to award.
Note: Points will be awarded based on a Majority Rule. Senario: If one official holds up 2 fingers for a kick to the head, another official holds up 1 finger for a kick to the body, or a punch to head or body, and the third official did not see a kick or punch, the competitor will receive 1 Point.
Match Winners
The winner of the match will be the competitor who, a) scores 10 Points first, or b) has the most points at the end of the 2-Minute Time Limit.
In case of a Tie, the match will go to Over-Time, and the winner will be the competitor who scores 2 Points first.
(For more Rules information, see “Kumite Competition Rules” outlined above)
Adult Black Belt Kumite Grand Champion Awards
The winner of the Adult Black Belt Men & Women Kumite Grand Champion matches will receive a beautiful 4½ ft tall four column trophy PLUS $500.
Under Black Belts & Junior Black Belt Grand Champions
Under black belt and junior black belt competitors who place 1st in 3 Events (Weapon Kata, Empty-Hand Kata, & Kumite) will receive a beautiful 4½ ft tall four column trophy.