US Martial Arts Grand National Association Logo. Depicts a gold medal with the text "US Martial Arts" embossed along the top, and "Grand National Assoc" embossed along the bottom, text is in light gold contrasted on darker gold background. Within the center of the medal on a field of a U.S. style flag background, is an outline of the Continental United States (CONUS), the ouline is in bright yellow-gold, inside the outline of CONUS is background of black, with text in white on two lines: Line 1 is "US", Line 2 is "MAGNA".

US Martial Arts Grand National Association

USMAGNA Rating System


The number of US Martial Arts Grand National Association Championship Points that competitors will be awarded when they compete in tournaments that are Rated and/or Sanctioned by US Martial Arts Grand National Association will be based on where the tournament is held, and where the competitors live.

Competitors who compete in tournaments that are held in the STATE where they live.
Rated 1st Place: 8pts / 2nd Place: 6pts / 3rd Place: 4pts / 4th Place: 2pts / Completed but did not place: 1pt.
Sanctioned 1st Place: 12pts / 2nd Place: 10pts / 3rd Place: 8pts / 4th Place: 6pts / Completed but did not place: 2pt.

Competitors who compete in tournaments that are held outside of the STATE where they live.
Rated 1st Place: 9pts / 2nd Place: 7pts / 3rd Place: 5pts / 4th Place: 3pts / Completed but did not place: 1pt.
Sanctioned 1st Place: 13pts / 2nd Place: 11pts / 3rd Place: 9pts / 4th Place: 7pts / Completed but did not place: 2pt.

Competitors who compete in tournaments that are held outside of the REGION where they live.
Rated 1st Place: 10pts / 2nd Place: 8pts / 3rd Place: 6pts / 4th Place: 4pts / Completed but did not place: 1pt.
Sanctioned 1st Place: 14pts / 2nd Place: 12pts / 3rd Place: 10pts / 4th Place: 8pts / Completed but did not place: 2pt.

Competitors who compete in tournaments that are held outside of the COUNTRY where they live.
Rated 1st Place: 11pts / 2nd Place: 9pts / 3rd Place: 7pts / 4th Place: 5pts / Completed but did not place: 1pt.
Sanctioned 1st Place: 15pts / 2nd Place: 13pts / 3rd Place: 11pts / 4th Place: 8pts / Completed but did not place: 2pt.

The number of Points that will be awarded to competitors who compete in US Grand National Association Championship Finals will be the same as Regional level Points.

US Martial Arts Grand National Association Tournament Regions outline

  1. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
  2. New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
  3. Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia
  4. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
  5. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
  6. Arkansas, Luisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
  7. Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
  8. Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
  9. Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada
  10. Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

After every US Martial Arts Grand National Association rated and/or sanction tournament, the Name, Age Group, Rank Level, and Form of Competition that competitor competed in, will be posted in the “Tournament Result” section of the US Martial Art Grand National Associations website.  Normally, USMAGNA Championship Points are awarded only to registered members and posted in the US Martial Arts Grand National Association “Point Standing” section of the website, however, there will be an exception for the Arnold Sports Festivital / USMAGNA Open Martial Arts Tournament held on Sat. March 2, 2024 in Columbus, OH. (see Inaugural Membership SPECIAL)

Inaugural Membership SPECIAL

All competitors who compete in the 2024 Arnold Sports Festival “Open Martial Arts Tournament” in Columbus, OH on Saturday March, 2nd, will be awarded US Martial Arts Grand National Association Championship Points. The name of all competitors who place in each event that they compete in, will be posted in the “Competitor Point Standing” section of the website. For all USMAGNA Rated/Sanctioned tournaments, after the Arnold Sports Festival “Open Martial Arts Tournament,” only registered members will be awarded State, Regional, National, Championship Points.

Division Top-5 Rank Competitors

On the day of the US Martial Arts Grand National Championship Finals, the competitors who have accumulated enough points to be listed among the Top-5 Rank Competitors in their divisions, will be seeded and will compete as followed:

Weapon Form/Kata – Empty-Hand Form/Kata – Chanbara – Self-Defense
In these forms of competitions, all Top-5 Rank competitors in the division lineup will compete last.

In this form of competition, all Top-5 Rank competitors in the division lineup will be among the competitors who will
receive a BYE and begin competing in the second round of matches.

US Martial Arts Grand National Association

State, Regional, & National Champions

The US Martial Arts Grand National Association points championship series begins every year on the 1st of October and ends on the last day of October of the following year. As registered competitors accumulate State, Regional & National points (in each forms of competitions that they compete in) throughout the year at tournaments that are rated by USMAGNA, the points will be posted in the “Point Standing” section of the US Martial Arts Grand National Association website.

The name of the competitors (in each age group and rank level) who accumulates the most points (per State, Regional, and National) in their divisions by the end of the year, will be declared the US Martial Arts Grand National Association State Top Rank, Regional Champion, and National Champions. These awards will be presented to the winners in the form of a beautiful 8 x 11 Certificate bearing the US Martial Arts Grand National Association logo, the Championship Title, and the competitor’s name. The winners will also receive a Custom Adidas Martial Arts 3-Stripes Light Tracksuit 100% Polyester Long Sleeve Jacket, plus a 4” and a 10” diameter